Reporting Portal - Quick Guide


Maintaining your organisation’s contacts:




Once you are logged in to the Employer Portal select ‘organisation’ from the main menu.







Select the link to your organisation.









Hover over any field and select the pencil icon to update details.








Select ‘Contacts’ to view your organisation’s list of contacts.




Select ‘View All’ to see a complete list of your organisation’s Reporting Contacts.






                    In this section, you will see a list of your organisation’s Reporting Contacts

To edit a contact’s ‘role’ select the drop-down and then select ‘Edit Relationship’.




The Workplace Gender Equality Agency requires the correct details be supplied for your organisation’s CEO (or equivalent) to enable us to communicate official messaging.



                 Note: to add new contacts to your organisation please lodge a support request by selecting ‘Home’ from the main menu as shown below.